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CloseSafer® Brand Insect Killing Soap Concentrate eliminates insect pests so your garden plants can grow healthy and strong. This special formulation of insecticidal soap and seaweed extract kills soft-bodied insects while remaining gentle enough to spray directly on your plants. Safer® Brand Insect Killing Soap has no unpleasant odor, so you can still enjoy the natural aromas of your garden.
Most importantly, this OMRI Listed® insect killer is compliant for use in organic gardening so you can stay true to your plans for growing your fruits, vegetables and flowers.
It is a violation of Federal Law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling.
This product can be applied with all types of hand or power sprayers. Read and carefully follow the
instructions for the type of sprayer you use.
SHAKE WELL. For best results, use freshly mixed solution. Use soft water whenever possible.
NOTE: Do not use on new transplants, newly rooted cuttings or plants stressed by drought. Avoid
application when temperature exceeds 90° F. Safer® Brand Insect Killing Soap may be used up to and
including day of harvest, and is useful as a component of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Programs.
Indoor Plants:
Mix 2.5 fl. oz. (5 Tbsp.) of concentrate per gallon of water.
Apply when insects or signs of their damage appear. Take care to thoroughly wet all surfaces of infested
foliage and branches.
For Aphids: examine plants after two days and spray again if needed. For other pests, spray weekly at 7-
10-day intervals as need up to three times. Do not make repeated sprays at short intervals without
thoroughly rinsing foliage.
For Blossom Thrips on African violets, spray to contact thrips on the blooms.
Root Mealybugs and Springtail infestations can be reduced using a soil drench of one or two
tablespoons of concentrate in a quart of tepid water applied monthly.
NOTE: Do not use on Crown of Thorns and test other euphorbias for phytotoxicity before full-scale
application. Do not use on dracaena, delicate ferns, dieffenbachia, ornamental ivies, palms or succulents
without testing.
Flower and Bedding Plants Growing Outdoors and in Home Greenhouses:
Including foliage plants, roses and succulents.
Mix 2.5 fl. oz. (5 tbsp.) of concentrate per gallon of water.
Apply when insects appear. Take care to thoroughly wet all infested surfaces. A second application
should be timed to control newly hatched young. Repeat weekly as needed up to three times.
For Earwigs: spray directly on insects after disturbing their hiding places.
NOTE: Do not use on bleeding heart, gardenias, jade plant, lantana, lilies or sweet peas. Some varieties
of azaleas, begonias, camellias, fuschias, gardenias and impatiens have shown sensitivity. If wilting
occurs within a few hours, rinse with clean water supply. Test on chrysanthemums for varietal sensitivity
and do not apply to open blooms.
Ornamental Trees and Shrubs:
Mix 2.5 fl. oz. (5 tbsp.) of concentrate per gallon of water.
To control the crawler stage of adelgids, psyllids and scales, spray to wet bark surface when infestation
For Mites, be sure to wet underside of leaves and needle sheaths.
For Tent Caterpillars, use 4 fl. oz. (8 Tbsp.) per gallon and spry directly on young larvae when
congregated on outside of tent.
NOTE: Do not apply to chestnut, Japanese maple, mountain ash or Colorado blue spruce. Do not apply
to ornamentals stressed by drought or when tender new foliage is present. Do not apply to evergreens
during drought or when tender new foliage is present. Do not apply when temperature exceeds 90°F.
Test on arborvitae, Eugenia, euonymus for varietal and drought sensitivity. Safer® Brand Insect Killing
Soap Concentrate may result in the temporary removal of the glaucus bloom from spruces.
Vegetable Growing Outdoors and in Home Greenhouses:
Mix 2.5 fl. oz. (5 tbsp.) of concentrate per gallon of water.
Apply when insects first appear or when damage occurs. Spray to wet all infested plant surfaces. One
gallon of spray covers approximately 850 sq. ft. of growing area. For most pests, repeat application after
several days to eliminate newly hatched individuals. Repeat at weekly to biweekly intervals up to three
times. Do not make more than 3 sequential applications over a two-week period. May be used up to day
of harvest.
NOTE: Do not apply during heat of day or when temperature exceeds 90°F