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Everydrop’s Model 1001-EX is a battery powered 1” vortex flowmeter
that provides highly accurate, real time flow monitoring with totalization.
It provides an always-on digital display with flowrate in gallons/minute,
totalization in gallons, leak detec
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CloseEverydrop’s Model 1001-EX is a battery powered 1” vortex flowmeter
that provides highly accurate, real time flow monitoring with totalization.
It provides an always-on digital display with flowrate in gallons/minute,
totalization in gallons, leak detect, and over range. Model 1001-EX
includes the upstream length and unions. It is display only-no interface
General Specifications:
Size 1”
Flow Range (Indicated) 0.5 to 30.0 GPM (0.1 GPM resolution)
- RANGE 1.0 to 20.0 GPM
- RANGE 20.1 to 30.0 GPM:
- RANGE 0.5 to 0.9 GPM:
+/-2% of reading
Usable Over-range, Accuracy Not Guaranteed (~2%)
Leak Detect Range (Slower update rate; Not specified)
Update Rate
-RANGE 1.0 to 30.0 GPM
-RANGE 0.5 to 0.9 GPM
1.5 seconds
< 1 minute (typically ~10 seconds)
Pressure Loss at 20GPM Less than 1.5 psid
Burst Pressure 350 psi minimum
Operating Temperature 32 F to 140 F
Construction Materials
-Vortex Generator Stainless Steel
-Vortex Sensor EPDM Rubber (wetted surface)
-Meter Body ABS (and PVC pipe 6” extension)
LCD Display
-Flowrate (GPM) 3 digit, 0.1 GPM resolution
-Flow Total (Gallons) 8 digit, 0.1 Gallon resolution (Non-volatile)
-Alerts Out of flow range, Leak Detect
-Auto Reset 10 Million gallons (not user resettable)
Battery Life 2-3 years (based on ~20% Flow Active)
Installation Specifications:
Connections PVC 1” Union adapter included
Meter Orientation All orientations acceptable
*pipe must be full
Special Requirements Pipe must be full for operation. Flows over 30gpm may shorten
life of meter.
Vibration Meter has some susceptibility to vibration. Do not mount rigidly to
a pump or vibration source. False flows up to 1.5gpm can result.
Electrical Interface Specifications:
Power: Battery, 2 AA (Included)